Campaign for Business: Exacting Standards Required for Government Suppliers in the Warehousing Business

In honor of President’s Day, we at Everything Warehouse decided we shouldn’t take the day off or have any deep-discount sales. No, in honor of President’s Day, we wanted to proudly note that we are an official government supplier for warehouse products. We have been approved for the GSA schedule, which essentially translates into a quality approval rating by the government. Why does that matter to you? Here are a few good reasons why working with a GSA-approved company makes smart business sense, even if you’re not a government contractor.

• Companies selected to be on the GSA schedule have passed the application and investigation process with flying colors. This means that they are already meeting some very stringent requirements in their day-to-day business. They already have great customer service, business ethics and integrity. Businesses like this are built on those positive concepts.

• Companies on the GSA schedule not only make it easier for government contractors to buy from them, these procedures extend to all customers. You can be comfortable that a GSA-approved business meets regulatory compliance rules for the industry in which they do business. GSA approval is one way of saving government customers time in researching the business. Knowing the requirements of GSA, then comparing them to your own, will help streamline your buying experience, as well.

• To apply to the GSA Schedule, a company must be in business for at least two years, and show a good financial history. Everything Warehouse has been in business for 25 years, and has maintained a sound financial status. We are experienced and will continue to be a major company in the warehousing industry.

• GSA requires regular quality control for the products and services it purchases. This is something that cannot be easily implemented just in time for the application process. It’s something that has to be place from the beginning. Everything Warehouse prides itself on its quality control program.

• Businesses can talk about satisfied customers, but applicants for the GSA schedule are required to submit proof of customer satisfaction in up to five case studies or testimonials for the business. Our customers consistently give us high marks in feedback. They vouch for our professionalism, our product availability and our quick delivery.


• All employees of GSA Schedule companies are required to be background checked. You can rest assured our complete team passed the checks and can be trusted with your warehousing products and design.

• GSA Schedule companies are inspected for quality of work and customer service. The government requires suppliers to have outstanding customer service – whether it’s in a call center or a home office. As you do, they want to feel like their needs are being met quickly and efficiently. They award GSA Schedules to those customer-centered businesses who go the extra mile each and every time.

• “Fair and reasonable pricing” is a requirement for GSA. Their contract officials take many things into consideration, including historical pricing, competitive pricing and industry benchmarks. Because Everything Warehouse works with clients on an individual basis, no two programs are alike. You can be confident that your pricing is not only fair and reasonable, it is value-added for your personal warehouse needs.

The bottom line: Everything Warehouse was built on excellence: outstanding customer service, trustworthy employees, quality products, value pricing and consistent, on-time delivery. Successfully obtaining a GSA schedule reinforces our commitment to our customers. We’ve met the exacting standards of the government because we’ve already met those of our customers.
If you’d like to experience the customer-centric business of warehousing, call Everything Warehouse at 800-380-7816.

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